Discover the delicious side of well-being

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Tabúcha was founded to share our love for Tartary Buckwheat and give others a chance to discover the delicious side of well-being. We are passionate about keeping the body and mind in harmony and want to introduce these deliciously sweet cookie-like flavoured kernels to everyone around us.

  • 1 TSP. PER CUP

  • 95 °C / 203 °F




Tartary buckwheat is a type of buckwheat plant that is native to East Asia, particularly in China, India and Taiwan. It is different from common buckwheat and has a triangular-shaped seed with a more complex flavor profile. Tartary buckwheat is a staple food in some East Asian countries and is commonly used to make noodles, porridge, and tea, in baking it is used as a gluten-free alternative to wheat flour. It is also known for its health benefits, as it is a good source of antioxidants, fiber, and minerals such as iron and magnesium. Additionally, it has been proven to help regulate blood sugar levels, lower blood pressure, and improve gut health.